Thanks to Sarah for the tag. It's my first time and I am feeling pretty special!
Everything you might want to know about my husband:
1. Where did you meet? At Texas A&M - WHOOP! We were really good friends for over a year and then found ourselves at summer school one summer when the rest of our "gang" had gone home. That is when we really started to hang out and over time begin to date.
2. How long did you date? Before we got engaged, almost 2 years. Before we got married, almost 3 years. G wanted to take his time and make sure he picked the correct one.
3. How long have you been married? 13.5 years. (Clearly, he picked the correct one.)
4. What does he say that surprises you? Good morning! Every morning he is really upbeat while I am not exactly a morning person, yet every morning he is super sweet to me no matter how grumpy I am in return. (Yes, I am working on adopting his positive attitude!)
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His hands and his smile
6. What is your favorite quality of his? He is an amazing father - always so patient with our boys.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? Not really...
8. What is his favorite color? I don't think he has one -
9. What is his favorite food? I hate to cook so when I do, he eats it like it is the best thing he has ever tasted. I am sure this is a tactic to get me to cook more. It doesn't really work, but it makes me feel good. But I digress, his real favorite food would be steak and potatoes!
10. What is his favorite sport? To participate in - hunting of any kind and fishing; a close 2nd would be playing football with the boys in the front yard. To watch - anything Aggie, football, basketball, get the picture. He likes all sports for the most part.
11. When and where did you first kiss? It was a Wednesday, summer of 1992 at Denim and Diamonds. Wow, that seems like a long time ago!
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? Anything together - going out to dinner, watching a movie...
13. Do you have any children? Two wonderful boys!
14. Does he have a hidden talent? He is a good cook and he keeps our floors very clean by sweeping and vacuuming!
15. How old is he? 37 (I think:))
16. Who said "I love you" first? It was me - I knew after 3 months - like I said earlier, he was a little more cautious!
17. What is his favorite type of music? Country - all the way!
18. What do you most admire about him? His dedication to our family.
19. Do you think he will read this? No how, no way - unless I make him or read it to him. He is not about blogging or facebook or any of the new, cool web stuff. He is certainly a digital immigrant!
20. Where did you go on your first date? We actually meet at Denim and Diamonds on a Wednesday night to go dancing. Like I said we had been spending a lot of time together that summer - mutual flirting, but this was the first night we kissed and he gave me a ride home.
Now it is my turn to tag some friends so...I pick Betsy and Amy and Charla. Have fun girls!
So sweet! He's a keeper!
OK! I posted it! How fun! Thanks for the TAG!!
lol i actually got to see him smile thats a first!!!!
u know i love him!!!!
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