Here is my sweet family - my parents always did an amazing job of staying in touch with their brothers and sisters and visiting them as often as possible. I was really appreciative of this - being an only child. I think that is another reason I feel so close to all of my aunts, uncles and cousins!
Uncle Eddie and part of his clan. Cousin Jess belongs here as well, but they had to leave early to get Gray back to college where he plays football - a starter on his team as a freshman! Uncle Eddie and Aunt Jeneane (whose name I still don't know how to spell) owned an automotive store in Brownwood for years. I remember going to visit them at the store and getting a soda and a treat on every stop! Shannie is another cousin I am super close to! (Are you seeing a theme here yet?) She used to take me on her dates when I was about 5! She says she loved to show me off when we would go and visit!
Some more super fun pictures...
Until next year sweet family - I love you!
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